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林慧  张明莉  王鹏鹏  马淼 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1810-1816
从开花物候、花粉活力、柱头可受性、传粉媒介、花粉散布距离、雄性、雌性功能以及繁育系统等方面系统地研究了意大利苍耳的传粉生态学特性,旨在为揭示该物种成功入侵的机理提供科学依据。研究结果显示:意大利苍耳种群的花期较长,雌花花期可达40d,雄花花期可达30d。其雄性和雌性功能都很强,意大利苍耳单株雄花序和花粉量分别高达3847个/株和37903037粒/株,单株雌花序和单株胚珠数高达3847个/株和7694枚/株,种群平均结实率高达80.59%,即平均每株个体能形成6200枚成熟的果实。花粉活力的日变化呈单峰型曲线,早晨和傍晚的花粉活力最低,14:00时的活力高达99%。雌蕊柱头一经伸出总苞即具有可受性,可受期长达7d,开花后的3—4d柱头的可受性最强。意大利苍耳为风媒传粉植物,在4.5km/h的微风条件下,其花粉的散布距离可达45m,大量的花粉集中分布在距花粉源0—20m的范围内,这对于往往高密度连片分布的意大利苍耳种群来说无疑是一种高效的传粉策略。意大利苍耳的交配系统灵活多样,盛花期自然结实率达到100%,套袋试验结果表明该植物自交亲和,自株自然授粉的结实率高达93%。表明较长的花期、大量的雌雄花序及花粉数量、较高的花粉活力、较长的柱头可授期、较远的花粉风媒散布距离、混合交配系统、以及较高的结实率是意大利苍耳繁殖成功的重要保障,也是其成功入侵的重要原因。  相似文献   
The transport phase of the animal‐mediated plant dispersal process is critical to dispersal effectiveness as it determines the spatial distribution of the diaspores released and their chance for further recruitment. Assessing this specific phase of the dispersal process generally requires combining diaspore retention times with the associated distances covered. Here, we specifically tested the effect of grooming behavior, interindividual contacts and ungulate fur on diaspore retention times and associated dispersal distances for the hooked diaspores of Xanthium strumarium L. experimentally attached to tamed individuals of three ungulate species. We used a comparative approach based on differing fur quality on different body zones of these three ungulates. During 6‐hr sessions, we monitored for grooming and social interactions that may induce intended or inadvertent diaspore detachment. Additionally, we proposed innovative approaches to directly assessing diaspore dispersal distances by red deer in situ. Fat‐tailed functions fitted diaspore retention time, highlighting the potential for long‐distance dispersal events. The longer the hair, the higher the retention capacity of diaspores in the animal's fur. As predicted, donkey retained diaspores longer than red deer and dwarf goat; and we also confirmed that diaspores attached to the short hair of the head fell off more quickly than did those on the other body zones. Dwarf goat groomed more often than both red deer and donkey, but also when it carried diaspores. Up to 14% of the diaspores detached from animal fur after specific grooming behavior. We observed, in controlled conditions, for the first time and for each ungulate species, interindividual transfers of diaspores, representing 5% of the diaspores attached to animals’ fur. Our results militate for incorporating animal behavior into plant dispersal modeling approaches.  相似文献   
现蕾期苍耳茎的解剖结构以初生结构为主。维管形成层已经形成,但次生结构尚不发达。茎表皮由普通表皮区和色斑区组成。叶的主脉维管组织与茎中维管组织排列方式类似,而不同于大多数双子叶植物。  相似文献   
Y. Shitaka  T. Hirose 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):361-367
We studied the effects of a change in flowering date on the reproductive output of a short-day annual plant, Xanthium canadense. The flowering date was changed by photoperiodic manipulation to 1 month earlier or later than the natural flowering date. Plants with the natural flowering date attained the highest reproductive output. For those flowering 1 month earlier or later, the reproductive output was decreased by 42% or 23%, respectively. The reproductive output was analyzed as the product of the biomass production during the reproductive period and its allocation to the reproductive organs. Although delay in flowering increased biomass production, it decreased its fractional allocation to the reproductive organs. The highest reproductive output in the natural flowering plants resulted from a compromise between these two effects of flowering. Plants flowering earlier had higher translocation rates to the reproductive organs and accelerated plant senescence. Later flowering caused a reduction in biomass translocation to the reproductive organs and thus extended the reproductive period. These experimental results are discussed in relation to the cost of reproduction and the optimal time for flowering that maximizes the final reproductive output. It is suggested that the natural flowering time maximized the reproductive output while minimizing the cost of reproduction. Received: 11 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   
Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) inhibited the germination of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds. The inhibition of the germination of cocklebur seeds treated with JA-Me at concentrations less than 300 μm was nullified by ethylene applied exogenously, although the inhibitory effect of 1,000 μm JA-Me was not recovered completely even by high concentrations of ethylene (10,000 μL/liter). JA-Me inhibited ethylene production before seed germination. The level of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the cotyledonary tissues treated with JA-Me decreased but not the level of 1-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC). JA-Me inhibited the conversion of ACC to ethylene in the tissues. These results suggested that JA-Me inhibits ethylene production by prevention of ACC oxidation in addition to ACC synthesis. We believe that the inhibition of ethylene production by JA-Me results in the retardation of the germination of cocklebur seeds. Received June 4, 1997; accepted October 23, 1997  相似文献   
We studied the growth of individual Xanthium strumarium plants growing at four naturally occurring local densities on a beach in Maine: (1) isolated plants, (2) pairs of plants ≤1 cm apart, (3) four plants within 4 cm of each other, and (4) discrete dense clumps of 10-39 plants. A combination of nondestructive measurements every 2 wk and parallel calibration harvests provided very good estimates of the growth in aboveground biomass of over 400 individual plants over 8 wk and afforded the opportunity to fit explicit growth models to 293 of them. There was large individual variation in growth and resultant size within the population and within all densities. Local crowding played a role in determining plant size within the population: there were significant differences in final size between all densities except pairs and quadruples, which were almost identical. Overall, plants growing at higher densities were more variable in growth and final size than plants growing at lower densities, but this was due to increased variation among groups (greater variation in local density and/or greater environmental heterogeneity), not to increased variation within groups. Thus, there was no evidence of size asymmetric competition in this population. The growth of most plants was close to exponential over the study period, but half the plants were slightly better fit by a sigmoidal (logistic) model. The proportion of plants better fit by the logistic model increased with density and with initial plant size. The use of explicit growth models over several growth intervals to describe stand development can provide more biological content and more statistical power than "growth-size" methods that analyze growth intervals separately.  相似文献   
Abstract. Pre-imbibed cocklebur ( Xanthium penn-sylvanicum Wallr.) seeds displayed bimodal germination-temperature responses with two optima at 8 and 33° C. Such germination responses occurred subsequent to bimodal respiration-temperature upsurges at lower and higher temperature regions. At lower temperatures, cocklebur seeds respired predominantly through a cyanide-sensitive cytochrome pathway. A rise in temperature resulted in a marked increase in flux via an alternative pathway, a propyl gallate- (PG) or benzohydroxamic-acid- (BHAM) sensitive pathway, thus resulting in an increase in the ratio of this pathway relative to the cytochrome pathway. Both an increased capacity for the alternative pathway and an increase in the ratio of this pathway to the cytochrome pathway were obtained when pre-imbibed seeds were exposed to either 8 or 33°C for a short period. The effects of low temperature were reduced as the exposure time was prolonged beyond 3d, resulting in a reduction in germination. Neither PG nor BHAM had an inhibitory effect on the chilling-induced germination, but the germination-stimulating effect of high temperatures was less pronounced in the presence of PG or BHAM. At high temperatures, on the other hand, KCN and NaN3 were ineffective or, rather, slightly inhibited germination. It was thus concluded that low and high temperatures exert their germination-stimulating effects by an essentially similar manner which increases fluxes both via the cytochrome pathway and, especially, via the alternative pathway and, as a result, raises the ratio of the latter to the former.  相似文献   
Summary In a split root experiment translocation of N from shoot to root was studied using15NO 3 . The three plant species selected for this experiment differed significantly with respect to root NRA. For lupin, maize and cocklebur about 80, 50 and 6% of all absorbed NO 3 was assmilated in the roots, respectively.Although NO 3 was reduced in the roots of lupin and maize plants to a greater extent than required for the roots' demand for organic N, a significant phloem flow of N from shoot to roots was found in these plants. Unexpectedly, for cocklebur, the plant with the very low root NRA, the fraction of total N present in the root that has been imported from the shoot was only half that as found for lupin and maize.  相似文献   
Abstract At 23°C, both C2H4 and CO2 stimulated the germination of freshly imbibed upper cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds, but C2H4, unlike CO2, changed to an inhibitor of germination under some soaking conditions. However, when seeds were pre-soaked for more than several hours at 23 °C prior to treatment, C2H4 strongly inhibited their germination at 33 °C, the degree of inhibition increasing with the duration of pre-soaking. Maximum inhibition occurred at 1–3 cm3 m?3 C2H4 when seeds were pre-soaked for 1 week; further increases of C2H4 concentration and pre-soaking period decreased the inhibitory effect. C2H4 was synergistic with CO2 when C2H4 promoted germination, whereas it was antagonistic when inhibitory. Such a transition of the C2H4 action occurred at ca. 27 °C. Also 1-andnocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, a C2H4 precursor, inhibited the germination of pre-soaked seeds at 33 °C, although it promoted the germination at 23 °C. When pre-soaked seeds were prepared for germination by chilling at 8 °C for 3 d, the inhibitory effect of C2H4 on the subsequent germination was manifested even at 23 °C. The reversal of the C2H4 action from promotion to inhibition in cocklebur seed germination is discussed in relation to the engagement of two respiratory pathways in the imbibed seeds.  相似文献   
稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)、苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、合萌(Aeschynomene indica)和水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)是三峡水库消落区常见的4种一年生植物。该研究旨在验证这4种植物的种子能否耐受三峡水库消落区的水淹环境及种子在消落区变化的环境中能否成功地萌发。将消落区按照吴淞高程标准划分为9个高程梯度(145-150 m、150-155 m、155-160 m、160-163 m、163-166 m、166-169 m、169-172 m、172-175 m和>175 m), 实地播种这4种植物的种子(或果实), 并将种子萌发划分为“有泥沙淤积于种子表面”和“无泥沙淤积于种子表面” 2组。观察在消落区水位变化(蓄水到退水)一个周期内种子能否耐受水淹及水淹对不同高程种子萌发的影响。结果发现: (1)稗、苍耳、合萌和水蓼的成熟种子(或果实)能够耐受三峡水库消落区的水淹环境并保持活力。(2)这4种一年生植物种子的萌发起始时间和萌发持续时间都随着高程的降低而逐渐缩短(p < 0.01); 高程169 m以下, 种子萌发的起始时间显著缩短(p < 0.01)。总体来看, 在同一高程区域内, 合萌种子的萌发起始时间略长一些, 苍耳次之, 水蓼最短。(3)对稗、苍耳和水蓼的种子而言, 萌发率随高程的降低总体上呈现先上升后下降的趋势。合萌的种子萌发率随高程的降低总体呈下降的趋势。(4)水淹过程中产生的泥沙淤积对种子萌发影响较小, 但是在一定程度上可以促进苍耳的种子萌发而抑制合萌的种子萌发。以上试验结果表明: 这4种一年生植物的种子(或果实)在三峡水库消落区变化环境中能够耐受水淹并成功地萌发, 可应用于三峡水库消落区的植被恢复和生态重建中。  相似文献   
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